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Victims' Rights: Leveraging 2022 Lessons in 2023
28 Feb 2023
NCVLI's Meg Garvin and Terry Campos, who combined have 35 years experience in victims' rights, will review key developments and lessons learned in victims' rights from cases decided across the country in 2022. Building on these, they will look ahead and identify how these lessons can inform litigation and policy development in 2023.
presented by
Meg Garvin & Terry Campos, NCVLI
Ethics & Victims’ Rights: Navigating the No-Contact Rule
05 Dec 2023

State rules of professional conduct limit when attorneys and certain non-attorneys with whom they work can communicate directly with crime victims who are represented by counsel. This training explores these limitations in the context of victims’ rights law and practice. NCVLI will provide a brief overview of the scope and application of no-contact rules to communications with represented victims. Two experienced victims’ rights attorneys – Jamie Balson from Legal Services for Crime Victims in Arizona and Mariam El-menshawi from California Victims Legal Resource Center – will then share their experiences with, and practice tips for, navigating no-contact rules while also facilitating victims' access to their rights.
presented by
Susie Cowen, National Crime Victim Law Institute & Jamie Balson, Crime Victims' Rights Attorney, Legal Services for Crime Victims in Arizona