NCVLI Recognized for Innovation in Addressing Domestic Violence

December 13, 2013

NCVLI is proud to announce that our Responding to Violence Against Women Project was selected to receive the 2013 Mary Byron Foundation Celebrating Solutions Award.  This important award honors nonprofit and governmental organizations with innovative programs that demonstrate promise in ending the generational cycle of domestic violence. 

Year in Review: Top Victims' Rights from the Last 12 Months

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As part of the Legal Assistance for Crime Victims: An OVC Capacity Building Initiative, OVC TTAC and the National Crime Victim Law Institute are working collaboratively to expand the availability of pro bono and no-cost legal assistance for victims of crime nationally.  Part of that collaboration includes developing and delivering a series of webinar trainings.

Intersections of Civil Criminal and Administrative Proceedings: A Case Study


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As part of the Legal Assistance for Crime Victims: An OVC Capacity Building Initiative, OVC TTAC and the National Crime Victim Law Institute are working collaboratively to expand the availability of pro bono and no-cost legal assistance for victims of crime nationally.  Part of that collaboration includes developing and delivering a series of webinar trainings.



Join a growing professional association dedicated to the protection, enforcement, and advancement of crime victims' rights in all justice systems. Members can access NAVRA's benefits, provide pro bono representation to crime victims, refer cases for pro bono representation, stay up-to-date on relevant case law, and more!