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Read the Latest Newsletter of Crime Victim Law
 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013

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We are excited to present the 15th Edition of NCVLI’s Newsletter of Crime Victim Law.  In this Newsletter we focus on victims’ right to access to justice. Only when victims are active participants in the administration of justice will our system truly be a “justice system.”  In the Newsletter we identify changes happening nationwide which ensure victim participation, and we spotlight work we still need to do to secure lasting change. Among the victims’ rights issues we look at:  securing interpreters for victims, allowing the use of facility dogs, and expanding the special victim counsel program that the Air Force launched earlier this year.  Read in-depth analyses from our legal team on the exciting progress on victims’ rights as well as the identification of key areas in need of change. Click here to download a PDF of the Newsletter.  For additional publications and resources, visit NCVLI’s newly re-organized and expanded Victim Law Library.   


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