Event Spotlight
NAVRA is a project of NCVLI. Explore NAVRA and other NCVLI events that promote balance and fairness in the justice system through crime victim centered legal advocacy, education, and resource sharing.
Save the Date for the 12th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference
June 7th-8th, 2013 | Portland, Oregon Mark your calendars for NCVLI’s 12th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference! NCVLI’s Conference is the only conference in the country focused on rights enforcement. Join us for this invaluable opportunity to learn the practical skills necessary to serve victims and to participate in key conversations that will shape the future of victims’ rights.
Fighting for Victims' Rights When a Defendant's Death Vacates Conviction
On April 19, 2000, defendant went to his homeowners association to “get even” with them after the HOA had compelled him to do yard maintenance. At the meeting he murdered two people and injured others. Among those killed was Nila Lynn, who died in the arms of her husband of nearly 50 years - Duane Lynn. Defendant was indicted and ultimately convicted. Defendant appealed and his convictions were upheld in 2005. Throughout all of this, Duane Lynn had to fight to be able to give a victim impact statement and to secure the restitution owed to him and his children. NCVLI supported him in t
NCVLI Hosts 12th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference
On Friday and Saturday, June 7-8, NCVLI hosted the 12th Annual Crime Victim Law Conference in Portland, Oregon. NCVLI’s Conference continues to be the only national conference focused on victims’ rights. More than 200 attorneys, advocates, and others committed to victims’ rights gathered to learn from the leading experts in the field and
NCVLI’s Commitment to Anti-Racism and Justice for Victims of Color
NCVLI is dedicated to enhancing fairness and justice for black and brown victims. The recent killings of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor have once again called attention to the deep patterns of injustice in our society. Meaningful change requires active engagement in anti-racist work. We are committed to calling out unjust practices, listening to the voices of all victims of crime, and making victims’ rights meaningful for all. We mourn even as we continue the work of protecting, enforcing and advancing the rights of victims.
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
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Victims’ Voice Symposium
Meg Garvin will be Keynote at the Victims' Voice Symposium in Santa Rosa, California.
ICADV Annual Fall Conference
Meg Garvin will be a keynote speaker at the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s Annual Conference on October 27-28th
National Legal Aid & Defender Association Conference
Meg Garvin will co-present with Kathrina Peterson from the US DOJ's Office for Victims of Crime and Sasha Hutchings from the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center on ""Transforming Legal Services for Survivors of Crime: How Victims of Crime Act Funding Can Support Legal Services for Survivors of Crime" at the National Legal Aid & Defender Association.
Emerging Ethical Issues in Victim Law: A Victim Legal Assistance Network Training
The Emerging Ethical Issues in Victim Law training is an opportunity for practitioners that support victims of crime to interact with experts as they delve into a case study that explores the various ethical issues that commonly arise in victim centered work. This webinar is open to practitioners that reside within one of the 10 Victim Legal Assistance Network areas. Register here for the webinar.
2016 EVAWI Conference
NCVLI's Executive Director Meg Garvin will present at the 2016 EVAWI Conference.
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