Event Spotlight
NAVRA is a project of NCVLI. Explore NAVRA and other NCVLI events that promote balance and fairness in the justice system through crime victim centered legal advocacy, education, and resource sharing.
2016 EVAWI Conference
NCVLI's Executive Director Meg Garvin will present at the 2016 EVAWI Conference.
2016 EVAWI Conference
NCVLI's Executive Director Meg Garvin will present at the 2016 EVAWI Conference.
NAVRA Online CLE Training
Motion Practice Pointers: Opposing Pretrial "Discovery" of Victim Records in a Criminal Case
Washinton Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs Annual Conference
Washinton Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs Annual Conference, Vancouver, WA
Oregon District Attorneys Association Summer Conference
Victims’ Rights Presentation and Panel Discussion
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Experiencing the Criminal Justice System as a Victim-Survivor-Thriver: Views from the Bench
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Event
NAVRA Online CLE Training
Retroactivity: Are Convictions Ever Final?
2017 OJP Conference on Crime and Victimization
2017 OJP Conference on Crime and Victimization
Oregon District Attorneys Association Summer Conference
Domestic Violence Training
NAVRA Online CLE Training
What Happens When Criminal Defendants Fail to Pay Restitution?
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