Partner Details

The Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC) is a nonprofit organization providing comprehensive case management and no cost legal services to all victims of crime in the District of Columbia. NVRDC’s holistic services are provided regardless of income, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, race, or gender identity/expression. NVRDC runs the District’s on-call crisis response services to survivors of sexual assault who receive a sexual assault forensic exam in the District of Columbia. NVRDC offers victims professional case management services combined with experienced crime victims’ rights attorneys. The legal staff also represent sexual assault survivors within the context of college or university administrative proceedings and Title IX enforcement and complaints. Under the RISE Project NVRDC provides no cost rights enforcement legal services to all crime victims in the District of Columbia with a focus on surviving family members of homicide, victims of hate crimes, and survivors of gender-based violence.
Jurisdiction serving (geographic and courts): | DC Superior Court, the DC Court of Appeals, and the U.S. District Court for DC. |
Victim population serving: | Surviving family members of homicide, victims of hate crimes, and survivors of gender-based violence. |
Project Partners: | Project MOU partners include: 1. Choice Research Associates; 2. Collective Action for Safe Spaces; 3. NAARC Cure the Streets; 4. DC Volunteer Lawyers Project; 5. DV LEAP; 6. MedStar Washington Hospital Center’s Community Violence Intervention Program; 7. University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law Community-Based Victims Assistance Center; and 8. Whitman-Walker Health |
Intake Information:
Intake Gateway(s) & Process(es) for a Victim: | Potential clients can contact NVRDC during normal intake hours, Monday – Friday from 12 to 3 pm EST. Additionally, service requests forms can be submitted online at |
This project is supported in part by Grants No. 2017-VF-GX-K130 and 2018-V3-GX-K018, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Project are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Network for Victim Recovery of DC
6856 Eastern Ave., NW, Suite 203
Washington DC 20012-2119
Areas Served: