Partner Details
Montana Legal Services Association

Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) is a private, nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal aid to empower low-income Montanans. Their mission is to protect and enhance the legal rights of, and promote systemic change for, Montanans living in poverty. MLSA’s Crime Victims’ Rights Enforcement Project empowers victims of crime to assert and protect their legal rights within criminal proceedings; to keep themselves and their families safe from further violence; to help ensure victims’ meaningful and informed participation in the criminal process; and to work toward recovery and wholeness in the aftermath of a crime. Under the RISE Project, MLSA will add to it’s existing holistic crime victim legal services program. Learn more about victims’ rights in Montana at
Victim Population Serving: This project serves all victims of crime.
Project Partners: Partnerships will be developed and sustained through channels including the established VLAN network which has over 40 relationships with crime victim service providers; the Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV); the Montana Department of Justice, Office for Victim Services; the Montana Office of the Court Administrator; the MT Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Civil Legal Work Group; the Montana County Attorney Association; and other networks.
Intake Gateway & Process for a Victim: Helpline: 1-800-666-6899 or apply online at
Areas Served: